Datalogue offers multiple GDScript classes to access your data in scripts.
Some of the offered functions can only be accessed while in tool mode (i.e. editor scripts).


Datalogue is the entry point to the API, it is an autoload singleton.

At runtime you can use:

  • databases() -> Dictionary[string][DlDatabase] to retrieve all the databases as map using the id as key

  • get_database(id: String) -> DlDatabase to retrieve the database with the given id or null if it does not exist

In tool mode you can use:

  • validate_id(id: String) -> String to check if the given string can be used for as a database id, if it can, the returned string is empty, otherwise it contains an error message

  • update_database(modified_db: DlDatabase, old_id: String = "") -> void to save to disk a modification made to the given database, if you change the database id the old id should also given.

  • copy_database(origin: DlDatabase, new_id: String) -> void to create a copy on disk of the given database with the given id

  • delete_database(id: String) -> void to remove a database from disk

In tool mode you can also connect to the following signals:

  • database_added() emitted when a database is inserted into the list

  • database_updated(db: DlDatabase) emitted when a database has been modified in the list

  • database_removed() emitted when a database is removed from the list


DlDatabase represents 1 database designed by its id and containing items.

At runtime you can use:

  • id() -> String to retrieve the database’s id

  • count() -> int to retrieve the number of items in the database

  • statistics() -> Dictionary to retrieve some statistics about this database (more details below)

  • items() -> Dictionary to retrieve all the items in the form [<item id>: <item>]

  • item_exists(id: String) -> bool to check if an item is in the database

  • get_item(id: String) -> DlItem to retrieve the item with the given id or null if it does not exist

In tool mode you can use:

  • set_id(new_id: String) -> void to change the database’s id

  • duplicate(new_id: String = "") -> DlDatabase to create a copy of this database with the given new_id. If new_id is empty then the copy has the same id as this database. Note: the copy is not written to disk, contrary to the Datalogue.copy_database function

  • validate_item_id(id: String) -> String to check if the given string can be used for as an item id, if it can, the returned string is empty, otherwise it contains an error message

  • add_item(item: DlItem) -> void to add the given item to the database. Note: the change is not written to disk until you call Datalogue.update_database

  • copy_item(origin: DlItem, new_id: String) -> void to create a copy of the given item with the given new_id. Note: the change is not written to disk until you call Datalogue.update_database

  • update_item(modified_item: DlItem, old_id: String = "") -> void to update the given modified_item. If you have changed the item id, the old_id should be also given. Note: the change is not written to disk until you call Datalogue.update_database

  • remove_item(id: String) -> void to remove the item with the given id from the database. Note: the change is not written to disk until you call Datalogue.update_database

In tool mode you can also connect to the following signals:

  • changed() emitted when the database has changed

The statistics are given as a Dictionary with the following structure:

  • ["items"] contains the total number of item in the database

  • ["classes"]["<classif id>"] contains the number of items with the given classification

  • ["classes_values"]["<classif id>"]["<value>"] contains the number of items with the given classification value

  • ["values"]["<value id>"] contains the number of items with the given value

  • ["values_min"]["<value id>"] contains the minimum of the given value

  • ["values_max"]["<value id>"] contains the maximum of the given value

  • ["texts"]["<text id>"] contains the number of items with the given text